Layanan Kami

Kami menyediakan pengadaan barang dan jasa teknik industri manufaktur dengan produk cat epoxy berkualitas.

Two hands are seen pouring white liquid, possibly paint, from a large can into a smaller plastic cup. The background showcases various bags and a glimpse of a parked vehicle.
Two hands are seen pouring white liquid, possibly paint, from a large can into a smaller plastic cup. The background showcases various bags and a glimpse of a parked vehicle.
Pengadaan Barang

Kami menyediakan berbagai jenis barang teknik industri untuk memenuhi kebutuhan proyek Anda dengan kualitas terbaik.

Jasa Teknik

Tim kami siap memberikan layanan jasa teknik yang profesional dan efisien untuk semua kebutuhan industri.

Proyek Terbaik

Kami menyediakan solusi teknik industri dan pengadaan barang berkualitas.

Cat Epoxy NTU

Solusi cat epoxy untuk kebutuhan industri Anda yang optimal.

A person wearing black gloves is pouring a liquid from a measuring cup into a series of multiple blue containers, which appear to be candles with wooden wicks. The setting resembles a workshop or factory space.
A person wearing black gloves is pouring a liquid from a measuring cup into a series of multiple blue containers, which appear to be candles with wooden wicks. The setting resembles a workshop or factory space.
A modern electronics manufacturing facility featuring a large machine with a computer monitor attached. The machine is labeled NX-350 and appears to be part of a production line. There are tables and chairs lined up, with various equipment and components scattered across the surfaces. The setting is well-lit, and the environment is tidy and organized, with a visible air filtering system installed above.
A modern electronics manufacturing facility featuring a large machine with a computer monitor attached. The machine is labeled NX-350 and appears to be part of a production line. There are tables and chairs lined up, with various equipment and components scattered across the surfaces. The setting is well-lit, and the environment is tidy and organized, with a visible air filtering system installed above.
Pengadaan Barang

Kami siap memenuhi kebutuhan pengadaan barang dan jasa teknik.

Ulasan Pelanggan

Kami menyediakan produk berkualitas tinggi untuk kebutuhan industri manufaktur Anda.

Cat epoxy merek NTU sangat tahan lama dan memberikan hasil yang memuaskan. Sangat direkomendasikan!

Budi Santoso
The interior of a factory or assembly line is visible, with several workstations lined up neatly. Each station contains white plastic enclosures with electronic components inside, suggesting an electronic manufacturing or assembly process. Overhead lighting and blue tool boards are present, with some orange coiled cords hanging down.
The interior of a factory or assembly line is visible, with several workstations lined up neatly. Each station contains white plastic enclosures with electronic components inside, suggesting an electronic manufacturing or assembly process. Overhead lighting and blue tool boards are present, with some orange coiled cords hanging down.

Jakarta Timur

Pelayanan yang cepat dan produk berkualitas tinggi. Cat epoxy NTU sangat memuaskan untuk proyek kami. Terima kasih atas kerjasamanya!

A large industrial warehouse with a high ceiling and several tall windows allowing natural light to enter. There are stacks of blue plastic bags or containers lined up against the back wall. Black tarps or materials are spread across the center of the concrete floor. Various equipment and boxes are organized along the right side of the space.
A large industrial warehouse with a high ceiling and several tall windows allowing natural light to enter. There are stacks of blue plastic bags or containers lined up against the back wall. Black tarps or materials are spread across the center of the concrete floor. Various equipment and boxes are organized along the right side of the space.
Siti Aminah

